Real Time
Quick, digestible suggestions
Actionable no matter time constraints or location
Emphasis on quickly resetting your mind and body
Majority of activities are "sweatless" and easily executed
Full fitness program based on your interests
Adaptive to you -- your schedule, interests, ability, goals, and even physical limitations
Cardio and Resistance
Emphasis on enjoying the journey and establishing a lifestyle habit
Real Time
Personalized activity suggestions based on your interests
Efficiently organize outings with friends
Make new friends
Join group events seamlessly
Build community
Emphasis on connection over just socializing
Establish accountability and social support structures
Emphasis on "join me if you'd like" vs. "let's go do this, but if you don't go, I won't either"
Performance Psychology
Real Time
Helpful quotes, insights, and recommendations that resonate with your personality.
Videos and articles to help catalyze action
On-demand access; short and sweet content with minimal fluff to be referenced at any time
Habit formation and psychological tricks to keep you on track
Resources and structure for continuous self-growth
Guidance for your individual vision and goals